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Nougat / Android 7.0 on your Nexus 5X ... Thoughts and Tips

Nougat / Android 7.0 on your Nexus 5X ... Thoughts and Tips
Signed up for the Android Beta program yesterday to get Nougat 7.0 on my 5X. Installed it last night.

Haven't had it long enough to form any real opinions, but my initial impressions are:

I really wish there was a dark mode--there is a LOT of white in the menus!

trying to get used to--and decide if I even like--the new way the notifications are bundled in the 2-finger pull down screen

as a moderate user, I've never had an issue with battery life, but am still hopeful that we'll see a noticeable increase in battery performance with this latest Android version (never hurts to have better battery life!)

there are some interesting additions to the system menus--hoping to have more time later this week to explore the new options

For those of you have Nougat as well, any thoughts, suggestions, or tips (especially from those who've had it for a while now)?

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