Anyone seen the review of the Pixel XL then compared it to the 6p?
So I watched a detailed review on the Pixel XL. No doubt a nice device but please do tell me if I'm missing something major here to justify market value of the Pixel to be 300 dollars roughly more than the 6p. Okay the Pixel has one more gig of ram. Real world that's not much to tell. It has less speaker capacity. Specs cone out to be pretty close to the 6p overall and they of course have the same interface minus it having 7.1. Okay another plus for pixel. Updates quicker and for a longer time period. I'm still not seeing $300 market value difference yet. 6p has really everything one would expect from a flagship standpoint. So my question is are we seeing a loss of the powerful Nexus with flagship specs at a $399 value to be replaced by pixel which is almost twice the cost yet to get pretty much the same performance of the wonderful price of the 6p? I watched the entire review on YouTube. Is basically the 6p device tweaked a bit but since I value homes for a living and certify to data supported market value, how on earth can any data be found to support the almost $300 dollar value difference in these two devices? Unless im missing a major market speak upgrade, no data I've found or can compile would be supported on paper to substantiate such an increase on overall sales price of the Pixel XL to be that of almost double the 6p. As an appraiser when I value a home I select true comparable sales that are similar to my subject. The subject in this case is the 6p which one the marker value world you adjust to the comparable property to make it appear like the subject by extracting data from a sales analysis to derive an adjustment to get an adjusted value which is set off from its sells price or in this case the retail price of the Pixel. If you take this pixel retail and try to market adjust it to be like that of the 6p on paper, I cannot find any data that supports a $300 dollar superior to the 6p adjustment for it to have an adjusted overall sales price to almost double the 6p. I know it sounds odd but that's how you appraise property of any type. You take the comparable and adjust it by supported data to make it look as if it were the subject which in this case is the 6p. The pixel is an excellent comparable product so it's a valid comparable sale so to speak. If anyone is in the market value industry all this will make perfect sense. There is no data that suggests the Pixel to be almost double in value compared to the 6p.
Thoughts anyone?
Thoughts anyone?
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