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Celebrate St. Patrick's Day with these wallpapers, and a pint

Celebrate St. Patrick's Day with these wallpapers, and a pint

Go green with your phone, not your face, with these St. Paddy's Day wallpapers!

St. Patrick's Day is coming, and while as adults St. Paddy's means a whole lot of drinking and some sweet parades, as children our first introduction to the holiday consisted of unsuspecting kiddies being ganged up on and pinched for not wearing green on a seemingly random day in March. Well, not wearing green on your shirt doesn't mean you deserve to get pinched. Just set one of these wallpapers until the holiday is safely passed.

And if you see a green beer, walk the other way. Quickly.

This kaleidoscopic fractal makes me want to drink, gamble, and fall into its mesmerizing symmetry all at once. The shamrocks and the diamonds play together well, and a gentle but not overwhelming green covers the scene.

I will say that technically if you shorten St. Patrick's Day is should be St. Paddy's, but I can't argue with the beauty of this wallpaper.

St Patty's Day by SuicideBySafetyPin

I know four leaf clovers are lucky and associated with the holiday, but regular old three-leaf closers are beautiful, too! And quite soft, they're excellent for strolling through barefoot. This clover may not be as lucky as the four-leaf variety, but it is just as pretty and just as suited to be your wallpaper.

Four-leaf clover wallpaper by pohlmannmark

Now this is a lovely fractal. Between the intricate shamrocks here are beautiful lotus-type blossoms, adding some contrast and some extra color, so your wallpaper isn't tip-to-tail green. The detailing on each clover and petal of the flowers is remarkable, and this is a wallpaper I wouldn't mind keeping on my home screen well into the spring, and maybe into the summer to remind me of cooler times.

Four-Leaf Clover by Zueuk

This macro wallpaper has an awesome name, an awesome look, and it gives you a seemingly normal wallpaper with hints of holiday theming. The reflections on the dew drops, the veins on the leaf, everything seems so so big, and reminds us that there is wonder in even the tiniest of nature's wonders.

The shamrocks can also cry by Deviant-Kaneda

Want your home screen to feel drunk even if you haven't downed three pints of green beer yet? I give you Meristem, a green fractal that's lopsided and makes me dizzy if I stare at it too long. It's pretty, but also pretty disorienting. But hey, you know how they did psychedelic in the 60's to counteract LSD, maybe this wallpaper works like that for beer goggles....


Meristem by Shortgreenpigg

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