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Classic rage-inducing platformer Ghosts'n Goblins is so good on mobile [Best New Games for Android]

Classic rage-inducing platformer Ghosts'n Goblins is so good on mobile [Best New Games for Android]

What are the latest games worth checking out in the Google Play Store?

There are thousands and thousands of games available in the Google Play Store, with more being added every month. With so much content hitting the app store, it can be damn near impossible to keep up on the latest releases and determine which games are worth your time.

Here at Android Central, we want to help. We'll be using this space to let you know about the latest gaming releases for Android that we think deserve your attention. We'll be checking in and updating this page weekly as new games are released, so refresh often!

Update March 17: Ghosts'n Goblins Mobile, Mushroom 11 and Bit City are three new games for Android that we think are very worthy of your attention.

Ghosts'n Goblins Mobile

Ghosts 'N Goblins is the latest classic game to come to Android as part of Capcom's continuing its strategy of porting classic games to mobile. In it, you play as Sir Arthur who is willing to fight — even when only wearing his boxer shorts — against an army of demonic and undead baddies on his quest to rescue the princess Prin-Prin.

This notoriously hard platformer was first released in North America on the NES back in 1986, and was incredibly tough, earning a reputation for being one of the hardest games of all time. So, if you remember this game giving you fits of rage as a kid, maybe you can beat it now as an adult. Maybe.

Capcom has done a great job porting this game over, with four styles of touchscreen controls to choose from. The default features big, responsive on-screen buttons flanking the square, bordered gameplay screen, ensuring your fingers never block your view of the game. They're not as ideal as Bluetooth controller support, but I've the control options to be more than serviceable. The only issue I've had is that the game doesn't remember your preferred control method.

You're given two modes of play to choose from — casual or classic. Casual mode has been adjusted to for ease of play, while classic mode offers up the original game in all it's pain and gain glory. There are global leaderboards so you can see how you stack up to other players around the world.

Download: Ghosts'n Goblins Mobile ($0.99)

Mushroom 11

It's hard to describe what it's like to play Mushroom 11, but the trailer above helps. Set in a post-apocalyptic world where life is struggling to survive, you play as a bizarre new life form that's able to mold and change its shape as it moves throughout the world.

Originally released for PC and Mac on Steam, Mushroom 11 was one of the best games of 2015. It brilliantly blends puzzles with this bizarre form of platforming where you kind of push this ever-expanding green blob around the screen by destroying parts of it as it rapidly regenerates and absorbs other lifeforms. It's able to oozes through tight areas, but will also keep its shape as well, opening up so many puzzle possibilities. The gameplay and controls are essentially optimized for touch screens. From the controls to the outstanding artwork, this is just a really nice game that shines on mobile.

It's unlike any game you'll ever play on Android and is well worth it's $5 price tag.

Download: Mushroom 11 ($4.99)

Bit City

NimbleBit, the developers behind popular mobile sim games such as Tiny Tower and the sadly defunct Star Wars: Tiny Death Star (thanks a lot, Disney) are back with another building sim, Bit City.

This time, instead of building a tower or space station, you're charged with developing cities, starting with tiny towns and working your way up to designing a thriving metropolis. Like previous titles, there's a lot of idle building time here, so it's one of those games that has you check in frequently throughout the day. The graphics are cute and colorful as you'd expect from a NimbleBit game.

Building up your cities requires a lot of money, so you need to raise taxes and create traffic to increase your rate of income. It's a fun little time waster which fans of previous NimbleBit games are sure to enjoy. Like most of these idle building games, there are two types of currencies: coins for investing in tax upgrades and building things, while "Bux" are spent on instant upgrades for existing buildings and fast forwarding time. There are in-app purchases for Bux, but fortunately the game is very generous with both coins and Bux, so there's no need to pay for in-app purchases unless you're getting really impatient.

Download: Bit City (Free w/IAPs)

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