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Google I/O 2017: Developers share their highlights

Google I/O 2017: Developers share their highlights

Google I/O is a developers conference, after all, so we asked developers to tell us about what excited them this year.

What would Google I/O be without the mass number of developers congregating together in honor of one of the world's biggest mobile operating systems? Well, it wouldn't be much. After all, this is a developer's conference.

I went around and asked a few Android developers what they loved most about the Google I/O keynote and the conference this year. And interestingly, many of those who were queried had something to say about the addition of Kotlin for Android.

Voltrack Poltrack, Fat Russell

AC: What was your favorite part of the Google I/O keynote?

I'm excited to work on stuff for the Google Home. Something for world domination.

AC: What are you most looking forward to from the conference?

I'm excited about the Android Wear talks, but I'm biased. [Poltrack is a developer of Android Wear apps.]

Mike, Developer at Speedify

AC: What was your favorite part of the Google I/O keynote?

I'm really excited about the changes to Android Studio 3.0. So many awesome features — the new profiling features really look good. I'm also really excited for the Fabric and Firebase merger. We use Fabric all the time at work and I think it will be awesome to have a single console.

AC: Will that make developing easier for you?

It'll make detecting bugs to deliver a good, stable product much easier.

Lucia, N26 - The Mobile Bank

AC: What was your favorite part of the Google I/O keynote?

Kotlin, obviously. Kotlin is a smarter, more advanced language. Now that Google is going to support it officially, it's going to push the community to do much more with it. I'm very excited to see how this goes.

AC: Will that make developing easier for you?

Migrating Java to Kotlin is easy in a way because you can have both, but there is a learning curve…so I don't know about that, but let's see.

Jerrell Mardis, Ride Metra

AC: What was your favorite part of the Google I/O keynote?

Kotlin. It's an awesome language and it's an upgrade over Java.

Erik Hellman, Freelancer

AC: What do you develop?

Android, mostly. Sometimes I'm unfortunate enough to do stuff that is less interesting, but mostly Android.

AC: What was your favorite part of the Google I/O keynote?

The lady from YouTube with the Red Blazer. That was amazing.

AC: Did Google announce anything that would make development easier for you?

Tons of stuff. I'll be out of work soon because they're going to put Machine Learning in everything, so.

AC: What about Kotlin?

I've been doing Kotlin for a couple of months already, so it's nice to see it get official support.

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