Slide show

HTC U11 hands-on: MrMobile's new squeeze

HTC U11 hands-on: MrMobile's new squeeze

By now you've seen the HTC U11 hands-on treatment: the smudge-prone but beautiful backplate; the conventional face; the interface that reacts to a squeeze as well as a swipe. But thanks to some canceled flights and some overzealous NYC security guards (long story) I got to spend a little longer with the HTC U11 than I might have, and as a result I was able to produce a slightly more in-depth hands-on than would otherwise be possible. That's thanks to Android Central, whose HTC U11 review unit I took for a spin around Mountain View during Google I/O, so be sure to give Android Central's HTC U11 Preview a look once you're through watching MrMobile's hands-on ... and stay tuned for much more coverage on the smartphone you can squeeze in the weeks ahead!

Stay social, my friends

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