Slide show

MrMobile at Google I/O: Only boring if you're not paying attention

MrMobile at Google I/O: Only boring if you're not paying attention

Google! A giant among giants who other giants think are giant (yeah, how's that for writing?) Google's I/O conference this year has been plagued by the specter of yawns from journalists who wonder where all the fun of the previous year has disappeared to. But what were they expecting? It's a developers conference!

I'm Michael Fisher, AKA MrMobile, and while it's not splashy or gadget-heavy, there's a lot to be interested in coming from I/O this year. From simple things like easy ways to save battery life on your smartwatch, to the ease of the Kotlin programming language, to the 50 billion apps a DAY that Google scans for malware, there's a lot of cool things to do. Check out this video and Android Central's coverage of the event for all the reasons you should be excited about what we saw at Google I/O.

Stay social, my friends

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