Criminal mistreatment by Google over broken nexus 5x
Criminal mistreatment by Google over broken nexus 5x
I bought a Nexus 5X brand new from Google not long after the phone came out. After about a year of ownership, the phone suddenly stopped turning on, crashing upon every attempt to power up. This rendered the device completely unusable, so I contacted Google. They promised me they would send me a new replacement device, understanding time was of the essence (being as I was without a phone). The promised delivery date comes and goes, so I reach out again to Google, and am told that due to stocking complications, it will take longer than previously anticipated to get me my replacement phone. But as alternative, I am told they would be willing to simply allow me to return my phone for a $400 refund. This price makes it reasonable for me to return my phone, so I agree and proceed to purchase an $800 Pixel. A month goes by, and I get a $200 refund, instead of the promised $400. I contact Google and am told that their employee made a mistake in quoting me $400, and that $200 was all I was going to get. They apologized for the inconvenience and said was nothing more they were willing to do.
Now they are no longer responding to my emails. This is despite admitting it was their fault, and nor have they responded to my request for my phone back.
I found the whole episode shameful and unfair, and possibly criminal. Certainly in violation of the Consumers Legals Remedies Act, and I wanted to share my story with others, and see if perhaps others had been mistreated so. Thank you for reading this.
Now they are no longer responding to my emails. This is despite admitting it was their fault, and nor have they responded to my request for my phone back.
I found the whole episode shameful and unfair, and possibly criminal. Certainly in violation of the Consumers Legals Remedies Act, and I wanted to share my story with others, and see if perhaps others had been mistreated so. Thank you for reading this.
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